

Stories about Many Helping Hands


Mr. H

January 1, 2023

Our friend Mr. H has been coming to MHH for a couple years. Our volunteers speak life into our guests. We show them Love and respect. As he put is, we're family. He was a regular at our Day center and he began attending Bible studies, talking with volunteers and Pastor. Well we are proud to say, he landed a great job driving a truck. When I asked him to describe MHH and how he felt about our Ministry he said: "This is the only place he felt loved, a true blessing. They help me with anything I need, it's wonderful to be able to come to a place, be relaxed, and always happy when I leave. This place helped me with confidence that I could get a job."

He wanted to mention a few people as a Special Thank you to Ms. Sheila, Lana, Jerry, Paster Webb and Pastor John. He said there are so many wonderful volunteers and he is truly grateful.